How to describe the oneness?
When to read the books?
Why does emptiness look empty?
What is atma?
Who should do the experiments and purification?
How many times can we validate the knowledge?
What is the most effective way to disidentify with all that which I am not?
Who is the subject?
Are entities and concepts which are beyond my current experience my true nature?
Can my true Self be grasped with mind?
What is the final death?
What is the meaning of direct experience?
How is shared memory forming a shared objective experience?
How to wake up from this shared dream?
Who is dreaming?
What is the consequences of breaking the mental boundaries?
How is the path of knowledge program a series of attempts to make the students realise the ultimate truth?
What is the effect of presence of an enlightened person on this planet?
Can the guru leave you?
What kind of knowledge we get from the dreaming state?
What are the inherent limitations of intellect?
Why are there laws in the nature, and not total randomness?
How to be like a child while gaining knowledge?
What is Sahaj Samadhi?
What is the proper way to gain knowledge on the path of knowledge?
Why is discipline necessary on this path?
What are the conditions for a meaningful exchange of knowledge?
What are the laws of knowledge transmission?
What are non rule bound areas?
Why does the illusory world seem real?
What is divine Leela?
What is a greater neighbourhood?
What takes rebirth? How is that done? And why?
How is an illusory mind helpful in acquiring knowledge?
What is acceptance, and why is it the most satisfactory state?
What is resistance?
What can the mind do in the state of resistance?
How to overcome a resisting negative mind?
What are the benefits of doing so?
Why everything that changes is false?
Why is the experiencer seemingly limited by the experience?
Why is there only one experiencer?
How to verify your knowledge?
How to answer any question under the sky?
How to verify and establish your knowledge for correctness?
What is the advantage of expressing compared to simply listening?
How to train our intellect to arrive at an answer effortlessly?
What are mutually exclusive categories and why are the experience and the experiencer placed in such categories?
What are thoughts? Are they me? Are they mine?
How do impurities enter into this very natural process?
What are the consequences of impure thoughts for a seeker and people in general?
How to get rid of some of the major impurities of thinking?
Emotions, especially the negative kind are the greatest cause of suffering. These states when they turn impure, reduce the quality of our lives significantly. Emotions are non-physical, or on the boundary of the body and the mind, so we need special tools to purify them.
What are the impurities of emotions and how to get rid of them?
Speech is an action that lies between subtle and gross. What impurities get into it?
How to clear them?
What is the biggest impurity for a human that is causing extreme suffering and pain?
Where can impure behaviour lead to?
Why is it so harmful for your well being and spiritual growth?
What can be done to purify it?
How is it even related to internal purity?
Are relationships real?
How many kinds are there and what impurities are found in these relations?
How to correct most of them?
How to refine our speech for better expression?
What happens when we speak publicly on spiritual matters?
What is the essential message of Nagarjuna?
What is Emptiness, how to understand it?
What does negative knowledge do?
Why is intellect a trap?
What causes end of suffering?
How to be empty?
Why is a goal a problem?
What is instant liberation?
Why is progressing so bad?
What are the different ways in which the body acquires impurities?
How to mend them?
What is the effect of a pure body on spiritual practices and quality of life in general?
How is the environment being destroyed by greedy and violent people?
What are the effects of impure environment on life and on spiritual practices?
Is it even possible to be spiritual while being surrounded by filth and noise?
What can be done to improve the situation, even though it seems impossible to do so?
What is purification?
Which is better - bottom up or top down?
What are the general guidelines and precautions?
Is it really needed? Let us begin this wild ride, of purification.
What is this existence in essence?
What is Gurufield?
What do the entities in the Gurufield do?
How to approach the Gurufield?
How do people resist knowledge?
What can Gurufield give me?
Why do I run after desires?
What are the consequences of desire fulfilment?
What is a Guruperson?
What is the most important day in your life, and who is the most important person for you?
How can I stop negative thoughts from affecting me?
Why is your ignorance a cause of my suffering?
Are others behaving badly intentionally?
What is the importance of a question?
Is broadcasting knowledge equivalent to forcing it on others?
How can ignorance perpetuate itself by blocking knowledge?
Are there any experiments to bring absolutely ignorant people on a proper path?
Can there be a loss of interest in gaining knowledge?
What is negative knowledge?
Why no other path will give you self realisation?
Why do pain and suffering exist?
What does an enlightened person do after enlightenment?
Why more importance is given to the experiencer in advaita?
Is the experiencer great?
Is Buddhism nihilistic?
How to the top most levels of evolution look like? Let us take a speculative look.
What happens when a human is liberated from repeated human births? There are levels of evolution above human being, about which one can only speculate a bit. Lets explore the possibilities, even if we cannot do any kind of evaluation here. Spiritual level is one of the higher levels of evolution. It is also the last for a human.
How can we evaluate ourselves and find out if we have achieved this level?
What is the best way to transcend the ego?
Why existence is not experiencing itself as whole existence?
What is the easiest way to be liberated while living a human life?
How big is the truth?
Why do people hold on to the past as if it is real?
How to quickly become free from karma while in the body?
What is higher than realising our true nature (aka enlightenment)?
How to know that I am universal not individual?
What is the utility of the illusion of individual?
Is death a good way to become universal?
How to investigate or falsify the individual?
What is the relation between waking state and the individual?
Can the individual cause an event?
How can society create an individual?
What to do once the illusion of individuality is cleared?
Is identification with Self a bondage?
How can concepts be an obstacle for self realisation?
Can experiences of special kind effective in removing a blockage?
How can one handle their own evolution?
What happens when the emotions rule a human being?
How is that life and how to identify the imbalance in activity here? Emotional level is the 4th level of evolution. This is probably the most interesting, sensational and also the most dangerous level of evolution.
What are tribal tendencies and why are they there? How to identify them in myself and in others
How can the bliss that I am be expressed in our daily life?
How to neutralise the karmic bonds?
Why are all our good or bad actions meaningless when we are unaware?
Which action will liberate me?
What is really wrong with the world?
Who is a Bodhisattva and what is their mission?
How to become a Bodhisattva?
Why would Maya allow anyone to liberate people?
Why won't Gurus simply liberate everyone for once and for all?
What options are we left with when we try to liberate people?
What are the guidelines about becoming a Bodhisattva?
What does the user manual of Maya say about getting happiness?
How to turn all actions into non-action?
How does the real bliss look like?
How to measure our progress on a spiritual path?
How to judge someone else's progress?
What measures and parameters can be used? And finally, what can go wrong? This is an introduction to a method of ascertaining our level of progress which will be shown in coming episodes.
What are obstacles and how are they intertwined with spirituality? Let us take a look at some of the internal obstacles in this episode.
How to deal with instability of awareness?
Can the truth be known using the mind?
How does the mind react to its failure in keeping the awareness on?
What is the final solution to the problem of mental noise?
How can detachment bring liberation from cyclic births?
What is this technique of playback of events that happened in unawareness?
Why does the mind keep repeating suffering even after knowing that it is painful?
What are the signs of awareness?
How do we fool ourselves by believing that I am really aware?
What is true surrender? What brings surrender?
How is survival based on fear?
Can knowing a few random words make me progress?
Which is better - belief or evidence?
What is living faith?
Why do some guru always refer to scriptures?
What happens at the end of path of knowledge?
What happens when true and false are reversed?
What happens when the whole is removed from the whole?
What is the universal joke?
Do books provide any kind of knowledge? What books to read?
Who needs to be rescued, individual or the society?
How books lost their context?
Why are autobiographies and histories totally useless?
Why is knowledge not given in schools?
What is the value of education?
How to survive easily away from the society?
Should we teach children spiritual stuff?
What is the best age to start on the path of knowledge?
How to learn about the Maya?
What is the difference between disinterest and detachment?
Why do we lose interest in life?
How is the awareness practice paradoxical?
How to do the nondoing?
Is it possible to have peace of mind?
What is meditation madness?
Why is listening so important? How does it affect a mind?
How surrender brings happiness?
What remains after I let go?
How does my bliss affect the mental machine?
Why do egos need to maintain a safe distance?
What is greatness? Who inspires us most?
Can a practice be effective without knowledge?
How to sharpen the tool of the mind?
Is philosophy one subject?
How to recognise extreme stupidity?
On what level of knowledge am I?
How to handle stupid conspiracy theories?
Why can't I die?
Why do Aghoris do what they do?
What does eternal life mean?
Are we trapped in time?
What practices are recommended on the path of knowledge program?
Is the last thought while dying important?
Do the impressions of my practice reappear in the next life?
Why are yogis in a hurry to evolve?
What is stored in the causal body?
What use is remembering a past life?
What are all those liberated people doing?
What is the real plot?
How is our path of knowledge program unique?
How are all experiences, experiences of a memory?
What is the difference between NPNM memory and the memory we recall in waking state?
How is all that is arising from the emptiness an illusion?
Why is Shaivism so difficult to understand?
Can strange experiences make me progress?
Is oneness changing too?
What is awareness?
Can the experiencer be known?
How do we delude ourselves that I know and I am aware?
Can we know oneness via logic?
Is there a need to meditate on the path of knowledge?
How does the ego delay spiritual progress?
How do seekers manage to waste their time?
How to find time for spiritual things in my busy life?
What comes first - duties or practices?
Why non-existence is impossible?
How does the self realisation happen?
What changes are seen after self realisation?
What can be done about the impurities?
Is there a greater illusion than this one?
What kind of illusion are we in right now?
What is our universe really made up of, who managed to cook up such a thing?
What are some strange occult theories about our world?
How to hunt for hidden occult knowledge?
Why was magic removed from this world?
Is our world under some kind of protection?
Why is a miracle ordinary and ordinary a miracle?
How to get unlimited knowledge?
Why do people limit themselves to narrow fields of knowledge?
What kind of language a seeker needs to use?
Can the knowledge be conveyed?
Is knowledge subjective or objective?
How does one know that one knows?
Where do seekers generally fail to grasp?
Does one know the greater illusion once the essential knowledge is there?
Is there any difference between worldly ignorance and spiritual ignorance?
Can one progress and become everything?
Is evolution real?
What are obstacles and resistances?
Why don't we simply surrender and end this seeking?
What is the state of deep sleep? What experiments can be done here and what are the results?
What can be the side effects of experimenting with projected states? What precautions are needed to avoid potential negative effects?
Can mystical experiences be called knowledge?
Can we have knowledge of completely subjective or abstract ideas?
Can one know but not understand? Can one experience and not know?
Can we call paradoxes as knowledge?
Are there many paths to the truth depending on many subjective experiences?
Why is there a war among philosophies?
How to deal with reactions to the world and with emotions?
How can my normal life continue when I am always in awareness?
Can we misunderstand the direct experience?
Why is a live embodied master so important?
How can I bring forward any hidden ignorance in order to get rid of it?
Why is the mind trying to sedate this organism?
How can mistakes made on the spiritual path become a boon?
Why are biographies of great masters mostly useless?
The direct path delivers the knowledge in a single day, so what should I do for the rest of my life?
What experiments can be done while in the projected state?
Are there any consequences of my actions here?
What experiments can be done in the state of death?
How to enter a projected state?
What are the requirements and techniques for that?
What are the stages of separation?
What are the do's and don't for those who are joining the path of knowledge program?
Why so much weight on writing notes?
How can we reduce suffering by non-doing?
How can awareness destroy attachment to thoughts and resistance to negative thoughts?
Can the mind stop?
Does non-doing happen automatically?
Who intends to do something?
What is the relation between experience and the experiencer?
What happens when we mix the teachings at various levels?
How does the identification actually work?
Why are spiritual teachings sugar coated?
How are teachings divided depending on the level of the student?
What is the end result of knowledge?
What solves the problems ultimately?
What is the fundamental difference between a seeker and an ordinary worldly person?
How come seekers get the problems, even if they are good natured?
Why can't I simply choose a peaceful life?
What are the common effects and side effects of awareness in the dreaming state?
What precautions must be taken before we begin these experiments?
What experiments can be done while in an aware dream?
Do my dream actions produce any consequences?
What are the stages of awareness in the context of dreaming? A practice schedule is also suggested.
What is a dream?
How to enter the dream state with full awareness ?
What are the methods and techniques for that?
What should I do with the person or ego?
How to end the seeking?
What are the effects of heart chakra opening?
Is experiencing a higher state compared to awareness?
What is Samyama?
Are my talks or videos responsible for your spiritual progress?
What is responsible for keeping the knowledge alive?
Why do seemingly miraculous events happen around the gurus and seekers?
Is awareness possible in sleep state?
Do all layers have their own memory?
Do we need to develop good qualities?
What are the main precautions one should take while doing any kind of practice? Some helpful tips for newcomers and youngsters.
Who achieves the control?
What are the results of attention and awareness?
What are the side effects of waking state practices?
What are the pitfalls here?
What are the various domains of our lives where awareness can be applied?
What are the traps and misconceptions here?
What changes can be expected?
Do sages go through stages of becoming superhumans and gods, or do they skip these stages
What are the pitfalls of interpreting old poems and texts?
Can we say that this existence is only memory and nothing else?
Do sensory mechanisms convey any reality?
Is it possible to have an identity that is not dependent on memory?
Does everyone die an aware death?
Does the sensation turn into thought?
Are chitta and memory same thing?
Why are philosophies a waste of time?
What is awareness?
How to remain aware in the waking state?
What means of remembrance can be used?
How to do all the actions in awareness?
What are the three stages of awareness?
The practice of awareness is the most important practice in this whole universe.
What are objects?
What is attention or concentration?
What are the kinds and dimensions of attention?
Why a good attention span is necessary for a seeker? Let us begin the experiments in the waking state.
What is the need to take up advanced practices and experiments?
What is the goal of these experiments?
Who should do it?
What are the prerequisites?
Are they required for the path of knowledge?
If everything is illusion, how is awareness real?
How to increase the awareness?
How to avoid religious practices and do your own purification?
How do we use illusion to kill the illusion?
Why can there be a discomfort or frequent dropping of awareness?
What is the ideal practice?
Why is the experience happening in time?
Is experiencing of many kinds?
Why there is no clear awareness of the existence as emptiness in everyone?
Why is the universe so inefficient in the matter of spiritual awakening?
What are the different steps of evolution?
How are languages or words insufficient for knowledge?
What are the implications of there being states?
What is the use of them?
Which state is the best?
Are they real?
Who are other people and do they have states too?
What is my purpose and what should be my behaviour in the light of this knowledge?
What is sleep?
Are there many kinds of sleep states?
Which one is most important?
What is the state of a causal body and universal memory?
Is sleep unconsciousness?
What is the difference between experience and experiencing?
When the truth is so simple, why don't people get it?
What is awareness and how to remain in that state?
What is the importance of maintaining awareness?
What is there to learn from relations?
How to know if I am in awareness?
What is Grace?
Who is actually controlling the mindbody machine?
Why are so many suffering when the solution is so simple?
Does the existence know itself by creating an illusion for itself?
Where is Maya in this existence?
What are the English equivalents of words for functions of the mind?
Why do people have faith in words?
What are the various dreaming states?
What is the surprising relation between dreaming and waking?
What are mixed states that are of practical use?
How afflicted dreaming states stop the progress of a seeker, and why we stay away from them?
What are various substates in the waking state?
What is the law of states?
Why is the knowledge and control of waking states so important for a good quality of life?
What is subtle karma?
Why do I get thoughts from a single source when I am actually connected to the whole universe?
Are the bodies capable of creating thoughts?
What does the Gurufield do?
What is best criteria to choose my actions?
What is nonviolence?
What is the worst possible action?
Is abortion a violent action?
Which is the world's most nonviolent tradition?
Why no right actions are prescribed on the path of knowledge?
Can a wrong action be right for some person?
Why do highly aware people do wrong?
What is the use of doing right or wrong?
Should we fix vasanas before getting on the path of knowledge?
What is my teaching in a single line?
Why are sexual urges so strong even for a seeker?
How do all these layers change? Is it regular or periodic?
What cycles can be seen? Why attention is so important?
What are states and what are their major categories?
What are the applications of this knowledge of layers and their dynamics?
What are the tricks to cultivate detachment?
Is it possible to come out of sticky relations and dependencies and fear?
Does the refinement end somewhere?
How to be free from being controlled by other people or situations?
Why there is no such thing as enlightenment?
Do we use these tricks on the path of knowledge?
What is the practice of listening, introspecting and abiding?
Why don't Gurus spoon feed the knowledge?
Does word salad kind of knowledge make us stupid?
How do seekers fool themselves?
Why does the mind create different identities in waking and dream states?
What is the difference between impressions and memory?
Do we create new identity in spirituality?
Why does a Guru strip off the old identity in ceremonies etc?
Why are tantric experiments not recommended in some traditions?
How does the big picture of manifested existence look like? How do the higher layers evolve?
Is there a limit to this entire creation? Where is all this happening? Lets find out.
What happens when the layered structure is constrained by the need to survive? What are bodies?
How is an experience via multiple layers possible?
What are the various areas in the universal memory and how can they be perceived?
What are worlds?
How many of them are possible?
How to be instantly free from all karmic bondage?
How to bend laws in physical realms, why is it mostly fruitless?
How important are the senses and why are they poison?
Why is it impossible to progress towards realisation of truth?
Why do people prefer suffering over knowledge?
How does a general layered architecture of memory structure look like?
What layers are present in case of a human memory?
Let us examine a typical layered architecture.
How do patterns organize? How are layered structures formed?
What is the basic anatomy of a layered structure?
We take the next step in the study of illusion.
How to maintain steady awareness in the daily life?
What are the ways to create nonphysical copies of the different layers of the mind?
How do we influence the environment around us, and how it in turn influences us?
Why does the world look like a dream when the awareness intensifies?
Let us discuss these highly interesting topics today.
How does complexity arise out of simplicity?
How do simple patterns organise automatically to form complex and seemingly intelligent entities?
The answers are simple not complicated, the mechanism is processes of various kinds.
What is the range of senses?
How many kinds are there?
What happens to the senses as we go from the gross to subtle?
The answers are surprising.
What is altruism from a spiritual point of view?
How is chitt formed?
How to get back the awareness quickly, if it is lost in mental activity?
Can more practices take me to the ultimate?
How to know my past lives?
Will spiritual lifestyle end competition? So many different questions today.
What is the mechanism behind perception?
What constitutes perception?
How are colors, sounds etc are being produced?
How is it all an illusion?
What are senses and where are they?
What do they actually do?
Why are they so limited?
How is the information about objects transmitted to the senses and ultimately to the local Memory
What are Irreducibles?
How can the Vibrations possibly produce a semi-permanent Experience?
What is the nature of Memory?
Can it be erased?
What is the relation between objects and Memory?
What is NPNM Memory?
How should a newcomer approach any spiritual path?
Is it necessary to make compromises with the family life?
What are some major pitfalls when you start on a spiritual path?
How to form a model of the illusion? What conditions should it follow?
What is the simplest and most basic Change?
How is all Experience a result of various combinations of Vibrations?
What is the key to any kind of science and technology?
Let us discover the very foundation of this illusion.
How is all the Experience of just one kind even though it appears in various forms?
Why do we see different kinds of Experiences?
What are basic properties of Experiences?
Are there constructive and destructive processes?
How to proceed towards a model based on the basic observations?
What is my relation to the Experience?
How are the world and people and creatures related to me?
What are the ways to establish Oneness?
Is there any effort or long and strange practice to realise Oneness?
The answers are surprisingly simple. Let's find out.
What is my Experience of really?
If it is an illusion, what is causing that illusion?
Is there a hidden reality behind this illusion?
Why are senses needed to Experience anything?
What are senses reacting to?
What is the role of Memory in all this?
And many more questions are answered in this part.
What is Experience?
Why is it there?
Where and when can we find an Experience?
List of Questions asked in Path of knowledge program - Part 5
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List of Questions asked in Path of knowledge program - Part 5
How to describe the oneness? When to read the books? Why does emptiness look empty? What is atma? Who should do the experiments and purifica...
चेतना के साथ स्वप्न में प्रवेश करने से पता चल सकता है कि वहां क्या चल रहा है और स्वप्न अवस्था के क्या नियम हैं। स्वप्न अवस्था के कुछ नियम नि...
निचली परतों में अशुद्धि, जैसे कामवासना का अवरोध, अतृप्त इच्छायें आदि के कारण नींद आती है। वह कुछ रचनात्मक नहीं करने देती हैं। नींद प्रतिक्...
How to describe the oneness? When to read the books? Why does emptiness look empty? What is atma? Who should do the experiments and purifica...